How long will your tan last

How long will your tan last

How long is a piece of string? No really, it dep[ends on your pre tanning preparation and of course the salon or products used at the tanning salon. There are 2 tanning systems that have been around a long time, Carribbean Tan and Mystic Tan, both of these tannin...
Ed Hardy tanning lotions

Ed Hardy tanning lotions

Amidst a lot of fanfare, Ed Hardy has launced a range of  tanning lotions and will undoubtedly be a best seller at salons around the world. Ed Hardy released the tanning lotion along with the new Ed Hardy swimwear range at the Mercedes Benz fashion week. Ed Hardy is...
Environ self tan

Environ self tan

The Environ® skin care range was first formulated as a result of Dr Fernandes’ misfortune when he attempted to treat the melanoma of two young, charismatic patients, who both died before they were twenty-three years old. Such a horrifying experience leaves an...
Green people self tan

Green people self tan

Green people self tanning lotions are 88% certified organic, is non streak and smells like a summer rain. It takes just mnutes to apply, so before you go to that function or out for the evening get that just returned from holiday look with this fantastic tanning...
Stay tan stay

Stay tan stay

  Your holiday is over, you’re back at work and looking fabulous with that golden tan you spent so many hours working on. You are willing your tan to last as long as possible because you just love the compliments and you look radiant and healthy. Follow these...